Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Cyberpunk and Steampunk

Benny Davis

Cyberpunk and Steampunk

There have been many films, books, and most especially video games that have found their roots in ___punk genres.

One videogame of note would be “Bioshock: Infinite”. While I myself never played it, I did take note of its intense visual mastery and attention to detail. It really hit the steam-punk look on the nose.

Other punk genres would include things such as diesel-punk, which has a very 1940’s American look to it. One such film that has a diesel-punk look would be “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow”. While it is not a very good movie, it is certainly a visual marvel of its time.

A videogame series that defines itself in the atom-punk genre would be the “Fallout” series. It takes place in a strange parallel universe, in which all technology is strangely stuck in the 1950’s, but also has a futuristic twist on it.

An example of a cyber-punk film would probably be “The Matrix”.

-Benny Davis

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