Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Diverse Position Science Fiction

Benny Davis

Diverse Position Science Fiction

I am not the greatest fan of this genre of science fiction. Upon reading Bloodchild, I was very confused and deeply disturbed by the subject matter. What baffled me the most was at the end, when Gan confesses that he is in love with the alien that is currently laying eggs in his stomach!

Not particularly my idea of romance, but who am I to question the writing of Octavia Butler, a well renowned sci-fi author? I usually like some of these kinds of sci-fi stories, such as the Ridley Scott film “Alien”. While that is not quite strict to this specific genre, I think the artistic work of H.R. Giger brings it much closer into it.

One of my favorite disturbing stories of science fiction would have to be “Planet of the Apes”. When I first watched the 1968 film as an 8-year-old-boy, that shot of the statue of liberty nearly traumatized me. The image of the shriveled up dead crewmember on the spaceship did traumatize me. So did the image of one of the crew dead and taxidermied as a museum exhibit. I shudder just writing about it.

So you could imagine my interest and excitement about the recent prequels to the franchise. Personally, I thought “Rise” was way, way better than “Dawn” but that’s just me. I hear up next, it will be “War of the Planet of the Apes”. I am pumped for that!

-Benny Davis

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